Serology & Microbiology

The lab is equipped with

– A fully automated ELISA system for almost about 50 different ELISAs.
– Automated culture, identification and sensitivity system for aerobic and anerobic bacteria.
– Automated Culture system for Blood.
– Automated AFB culture and sensitivity system Bactek MGIT based on fluorometric principle.
– Rapid identification and PNBA identification of MTB, MOTT/NTM.
– MGIT AFB drug susceptibility panel on automated MGIT system based on fluorometric principle.
– Immunofluorescence technology for autoimmune diseases.
– Special tests such as Westernblot for HIV, Quantiferon TB gold test, ANA profile.
– Complete Allergy panel for food and inhalation allergens.

The laboratory has two levels of Quality control measures in the department.

– ATCC strains are used for quality control.
– Three level Internal Quality control measures with strict adherence to CLSI guidelines.
– Inter Laboratory Quality Assurance Programs – ILQA.
– External Quality Assurance program (EQAS) – CMC Vellore & AIIMS, New Delhi.
– Regular Internal audits to monitor out of control situations.

Our Services

  • PETCT Scan

    In one continuous full-body scan (usually about 30 minutes), PET captures images of miniscule changes in the body’s metabolism caused by the growth of abnormal cells.

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  • Nuclear Medicine

    NM is a specialized form of medical imaging where small amount of radioactive isotopes are attached to molecules or chemicals which then form “Radiopharmaceuticals”.

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    Myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) is a non-invasive procedure used to test for significant coronary artery disease (CAD).

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  • Radionuclide Therapy

    Many radioisotopes, radio labelled conjugates are available for treatment of difficult medical conditions; Some of them are the treatment of choice for the given conditions.

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  • Multi Slice CT

    CT Scan or computed tomography is a painless and a non-invasive medical test that helps physicians diagnose and treat medical conditions.

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Why choose us:

  • Latest in technology

  • High qualified consultants

  • Quick turn around

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